Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Earthquakes and Voicethread in 6th Grade

6th Graders have been working on earthquakes in science.  As part of their investigation they created a building that could withstand the impact of primary, secondary, and surface seismic waves associated with an earthquake.  Students sketched and took pictures of their structure before it went on the “earthquake table” and recorded a hypothesis in Voicethread.  After the earthquake, another picture was taken and student’s then recorded a conclusion.  Many students also left comments for their peers about the structures.  This exploration not only helped students learn more about earthquakes, buildings, and structural integrity but also, demonstrated how to share and communicate their thoughts digitally.

If Voicethread does not load above you can also access it with this link:

*Please note: There will be some misspellings in the Voicethread as it was used as part of the process and not an end product.